LIVE Challenge Starts In:

LIVE Challenge Starts In:

Attention: Are You Ready To LAUNCH And FILL Your Coaching Programs?

“Give Us Just 1 Hour Of Your Day…

& In Just 1 Week We’ll Show You Exactly How To Quickly

Land High Ticket Clients

And Turn Your Expertise Into A Lucrative & Fulfilling Coaching Business!”

(This Can Work Even If You Currently Have No Clients, No Business Skills, Or Know Even How To Coach Yet..!)

PLUS, get a complementary success coach who’ll whip your butt to get into action so you finally grow your coaching career… (this is your chance!!)

“Give Us Just 1 Hour Of Your Day…

Over 1 Week And We’ll Show You Exactly How To

Close High Ticket Clients

And Turn Your Expertise Into A Lucrative & Fulfilling Coaching Business!”

(This Works Even If You Hate Sales Calls, Don't Know How To Run Ads, And Especially If You Struggle With The Business Side Of Coaching!)

PLUS, get a complementary success coach who’ll whip your butt into action so you finally grow your coaching career… (this is your chance!!)

Is The ‘One Client Away’ Challenge

For Me & My Business…??

HECK YES! This Challenge Is Especially For You If You…

  • Have gotten on calls with potential clients and everything sounds great like they’ll move forward with you… but then you never hear back from them?

  • Selling feels icky and like a "necessary evil" to what you really want to do - coach dream clients?

  • Your posts about coaching get crickets even though you know how much you can help people?

  • You stumble over how much to charge and talking prices makes you uncomfortable?

If you nodded or said “yes” to any of the above, then YES, this FREE 5-Day ‘One Client Away’ Challenge is 100% for you.

Sign Up Before We Go LIVE…

…and we’ll show you how to land high-ticket clients fast, without spending money on ads, without feeling salesy, and without having to create cringey content.

(PLUS give you our organic social selling system FOR FREE to get you started!)

Join the over 7,593 coaches and entrepreneurs who have already taken this FREE Challenge…

AT LAST! Someone Who’s Sharing FREELY How To…

Make A Fulfilling & Lucrative Living As A Coach!

From: Shawn Quintero

Dear coach:

If you want to make an exceptional living as a coach, with a steady stream of happy, high paying clients… without the headache of running a complicated business, spending money on ads, or being techie…


With this challenge:

you’re just one high-ticket client away from a fulfilling career as a coach...

...doing what you love, working with phenomenal clients, and you won’t have to be in the weeds, so you can enjoy time with your family.

Here’s the truth… I’ve been in your shoes, really!

My clients were getting incredible results: increased revenue, increased leads, increased conversion rates. And that's just the business side.

Their personal wealth and abundance increased too.

And yet, I was stuck.

Once upon a time I sold my coaching for... $10/mo. REALLY. (Barely paid for the internet I used!)

That's when I decided to take my own advice.

Sitting at my kitchen table, I added 3 zero's to the end of my price point: $10,000. I couldn't believe I was going to try and sell my expertise for what seemed like game-show-sized winnings.

But I knew something had to change.

I needed to create LEVERAGE. On both my calendar and my bank statement.

I quickly discovered it is easier to sell a $10,000 package than a $10/mo offer.

I also discovered that people who pay high-ticket show up on time, take your skillset seriously, and send almost zero customer service emails.

Whether you're under-priced, overwhelmed or just plain lost at how to grow your coaching business...

I see you.

Maybe… you’re an "Done For You" expert but know there’s a better way to make money than overwhelming "Done For You" packages.

Or maybe… you’re an executive who’s burnt out from the corporate grind and making someone else's dream come true and you're ready to finally be your own boss now.

Or maybe… you’re a healer with your own private practice, love what you do, but you’re struggling to make ends meet despite how much you help people.

Here's the good news - High-Ticket Coaching is the #1 way for you to make a difference in your client's lives, AND create freedom for yourself.

The systems and strategies we're going to teach you over one week will allow you to get high-paying clients without guesswork or salesy sleaze.

If you're ready to...

...Build an audience of buyers who are excited about (and believe in) the power of your coaching.

...Turn your audience into qualified leads who want to buy your coaching programs.

...Create a profitable referral system of raving fans who tell everyone about your coaching.

Then the "One Client Away" challenge will help you build your high-ticket client sales system.

The One Client Away Challenge is the first step to building a 7-figure coaching practice that allows you to leverage your time and effort and create the lifestyle you want.

Join Coaches ShawnQ, Heather & Brian

FREE: One Client Away Challenge

The ‘One Client Away’ Challenge Will Walk You Through Step-By-Step How To Become A Highly-Paid Coach!

When you join the challenge for FREE today, I’ll show you, in just 60 minutes a day for 5 days, how to easily (and quickly) become a coach who’s paid what their worth and spends time as they please!

Here’s What You’ll Get From Each Day:

DAY 1 | Host, ShawnQ

How To Attract Your Next Dream Client

We're not wasting ANY time! - On Day 1, you'll discover the 7-Figure Coaches Model, and it will become clear-as-day what you've been doing wrong (and how to fix it.)

You'll also discover how to position yourself in the market so that you become ATTRACTIVE to high-ticket buyers.

You’ll walk away from today having learned...

  • The “7 Figure Coaches Model” on how to structure your coaching business in a way that wow’s high-paying clients, as well as the tiny mindset shifts that help you step onto your new path with confidence

  • The fastest framework for landing high-paying clients. PLUS, how to build a referral stream so you’ll never have to chase down low-paying clients ever again

  • BONUS For Live Attendees Only! Get my proven “Profitable Referrals Method" complete with scripts and checklists for how to build a robust referral program!

DAY 1 | Host, ShawnQ

How to Attract Your Next Dream Client

We're not wasting ANY time! - On Day 1, you'll discover the 7-Figure Coaches Model, and it will become clear-as-day what you've been doing wrong (and how to fix it.)

You'll also discover how to position yourself in the market so that you become ATTRACTIVE to high-ticket buyers.

You’ll walk away from today having learned...

  • The “7 Figure Coaches Model” on how to structure your coaching business in a way that wow’s high-paying clients, as well as the tiny mindset shifts that help you step onto your new path with confidence

  • The fastest framework for landing high-paying clients. PLUS, how to build a referral stream so you’ll never have to chase down low-paying clients ever again

  • BONUS For Live Attendees Only! Get my proven “Finding Clients Formula” complete with scripts and checklists for how to strike up conversations that turn into clients!

DAY 2 | Host, Heather Wanninger

How To Generate Qualified Coaching Leads

On Day 2, you'll discover how to "close" the sale before you even talk money while using ethical psychology and persuasion (with authenticity!) to get prospects itching to buy from you...

You’ll walk away from today having learned...

  • Use this day’s simple marketing system to generate leads without spending money on ads

  • Learn how to leverage organic social strategies in a way that feels fun, authentic, and easy

  • BONUS For Live Attendees Only! Get access to my Money Mindset Audio Course & Script that will help you feel confident charging what you're worth and close more clients.

DAY 2 | Host, Heather Wanninger

How To Generate Qualified Coaching Leads

Stop doing discovery calls. It's hurting your sales!

On Day 2, you'll "close" the sale before you even talk money while using ethical psychology and persuasion (with authenticity!) to get prospects itching to buy from you.

You’ll walk away from today having learned...

  • Use this day’s simple marketing system to generate leads without spending money on ads

  • Learn how to leverage organic social strategies in a way that feels fun, authentic, and easy

  • BONUS For Live Attendees Only! Get access to my Money Mindset Audio Course & Script that will help you feel confident charging what you're worth and close more clients.

DAY 3 | ShawnQ

Easily Turn Leads Into High-Ticket Clients

On Day 3, you'll discover how to use the "Heck Yes!" Sales system to get clients buying your highest-priced offer every... single... time... (So you can stop leaving money on the table!)

You’ll walk away from today having learned...

  • How to sell to the leads you’ll learn to generate in an ethical, honest, aligned way

  • You’ll learn the HECK YES! Sales Conversation, that turns sales calls into fun conversation and helps you avoid the 15 BIGGEST mistakes people make in a sales call

  • BONUS For Live Attendees Only! Take home the “Heck Yes!” Sales Strategy Blueprint & Script so every call going forward after this challenge is a breeze!

DAY 3 | ShawnQ

Easily Turn Leads Into High-Ticket Clients

On Day 3, you'll discover how to use the "Heck Yes!" Sales system to get clients buying your highest-priced offer every... single... time... (So you can stop leaving money on the table!)

This is the exact system that easily and naturally turns qualified leads into high-ticket clients.

You’ll walk away from today having learned...

  • How to sell to the leads you’ll learn to generate in an ethical, honest, aligned way

  • You’ll learn the HECK YES! Sales Conversation, that turns sales calls into fun conversation and helps you avoid the 15 BIGGEST mistakes people make in a sales call

  • BONUS For Live Attendees Only! Take home the “Heck Yes!” Sales Strategy Blueprint & Script so every call going forward after this challenge is a breeze!

DAY 4 | Host, Brian Buck

How To Run & Scale A Coaching Business

On Day 4, you’ll learn how to avoid the hidden pitfalls no one tells you about that happens when you scale your business from just you, to having a team. You'll discover the secret hacks for peak-performance as a coach scaling a 7-figure business, so you can grow day in and day out without burning out or feeling overwhelmed.

You’ll walk away from today having learned...

  • How to sustain growth as your coaching business scales so neither you or your team burn out.

  • How to AVOID the 9 biggest mistakes coaches make when landing clients that HINDER your growth, and how to avoid them.

  • BONUS For Live Attendees Only! The “Maximize Your Profit” fill-in-the-blank template to help you find your low-hanging fruit profit centers for easy sales.

DAY 4 | Host, Brian Buck

How To Run & Scale A Coaching Business

On Day 4, you’ll learn how to avoid the hidden pitfalls no one tells you about that happens when you scale your business from just you, to having a team.

You'll discover the secret hacks for peak-performance as a coach scaling a 7-figure business, so you can grow day in and day out without burning out or feeling overwhelmed.

You’ll walk away from today having learned...

  • How to sustain growth as your coaching business scales so neither you or your team burn out.

  • How to AVOID the 9 biggest mistakes coaches make when landing clients that HINDER your growth, and how to avoid them.

  • BONUS For Live Attendees Only! The “Maximize Your Profit” fill-in-the-blank template to help you find your low-hanging fruit profit centers for easy sales.

DAY 5 | Host, ShawnQ

Developing Abundance & A 7-Figure Mindset

On Day 5, you’ll develop a 7-figure mindset that allows you to welcome abundance and wealth into your life. We’ll dive deep into the secret psychological & sub-conscious beliefs that are required for you to sustain the growth we've helped you experience the entire week.

You’ll walk away from today having learned...

  • The “Heck YES!” mindset methods, scripts, and routines that lead to results and actual abundance, not just flowery good feelings.

  • How to develop subconscious beliefs that make abundance and wealth feel easy and natural for you and your business.

  • BONUS For Live Attendees Only! Take home a “Heck YES!” Mindset Cheat Sheet to keep on your desktop, wall, or bathroom mirror, whatever it takes!

Are You Ready To Join The Challenge Yet??

Today, more than ever, there are people that are happy to pay for your expertise. We want to teach you how to bring profit AND purpose together!

PLUS, live attendees are assigned a complimentary success coach to make sure you get results FAST - for free.

DAY 5 | Host, ShawnQ

Developing Abundance & A 7-Figure Mindset

On Day 5, you’ll develop a 7-figure mindset that allows you to welcome abundance and wealth into your life.

We’ll dive deep into the secret psychological & sub-conscious beliefs that are required for you to sustain the growth we've helped you experience the entire week.

You’ll walk away from today having learned...

  • The “Heck YES!” mindset methods, scripts, and routines that lead to results and actual abundance, not just flowery good feelings.

  • How to develop subconscious beliefs that make abundance and wealth feel easy and natural for you and your business.

  • BONUS For Live Attendees Only! Get my proven “Profitable Referrals Method" complete with scripts and checklists for how to build a robust referral program!

Are You Ready To Join The Challenge Yet??

Today, more than ever, there are people that are happy to pay for your expertise. We want to teach you how to bring profit AND purpose together!

PLUS, live attendees are assigned a complimentary success coach to make sure you get results FAST - for free.

Ready To Become A Highly Paid Coach In Just 5 Days?

What You Can Expect From The‘One Client Away’ Challenge!

BEFORE The Challenge

  • Struggling to find good clients

  • Unsure if you’re cut out for this business stuff

  • Your income is a roller coaster

  • You live in feast or famine

  • Nothing seems to take off

AFTER The Challenge

  • High paying clients come to YOU!

  • You have a strategy to standing out as a coach

  • You have buyers ready for more

  • You have a stream of leads and referrals

  • You wake up everyday abundant & secure

But That’s Not All!

Stay on LIVE for all 5 days to win…

Daily + Grand Prizes

Not only will you learn to become a highly paid coach over these 5 days, but I’m also giving away books, tools, and more!

Access To A Complementary

Success Coach!

I want you to WIN SO MUCH that during the challenge week you will be assigned a success coach at no charge! Their goal that week is to see you get results. You do NOT want to miss out on an expert coach keeping you focused on achieving your goals this week!

You Can Win BIG:

Every day, we'll be giving away a few Amazon Gift Cards to lucky live attendees and action takers (because you should be rewarded for taking action)!

  • Our Top Business Books Bundles

  • Amazon Gift Cards

  • iPads & Other Cool Tech

  • And So Much More!

Take Action... Win Prizes!

But That’s Not All!

Stay on LIVE for all 5 days to win…

Daily + Grand Prizes

Not only will you learn to become a highly paid coach over these 5 days, but I’m also giving away books, tools, and more!

Access To A Complementary Success Coach!

I want you to WIN SO MUCH that during the challenge week you will be assigned a success coach at no charge! Their goal that week is to see you get results. You do NOT want to miss out on an expert coach keeping you focused on achieving your goals this week!

You Can Win BIG:

Every day, we'll be giving away a few Amazon Gift Cards to lucky live attendees and action takers (because you should be rewarded for taking action)!

  • Our Top Business Books Bundles

  • Amazon Gift Cards

  • iPads & Other Cool Tech

  • And So Much More!

Take Action... Win Prizes!

Meet Your Hosts:

3 Trainers + 1 Week = BIG ACTION & RESULTS


ShawnQ is a 7-Figure Coach who started in 2014 with nothing more than a desire to make a difference.

He is proud to have helped thousands of coaches get paid their worth, raise their price, build high ticket offers, and experience 6+ figure launches.

Now as an Abundance & Business coach, He makes a living supporting inspirational, world-class people like you. His commitment to you (whether you’re starting out or growing an already profitable business) is to bring his whole self to your coaching experience.

This week - you will learn how to sell high-end coaching programs, sell with ease, and stand out in the market in 2024.


Heather is the Chief Experience Curator for Abundance Worldwide and facilitates a variety of intensives, retreats, and adventures for high-performing leaders and coaches around the world.

Heather is passionate about creating experiences that lead to true transformation - away from the computer and day to day life. She teaches the power of fulfilling bucket-list adventures that create life-long memories and pivotal performance shifts.

This week - you will learn how to market and create experiences for your own audience that creates leads for life.


Brian is the Chief Abundance Officer for Abundance Worldwide and has helped over 500 companies across various industries tap into the power of executive coaching and leadership.

He is the co-founder of The School of Abundance and is passionate about working with coaches like you.

No coach should be a lone-wolf. That's why he loves seeing all coaches truly live life on their terms while being surrounded by a tribe of elite coaches to support them.

This week - you will learn how to run your coaching practice leveraging systems for true scale.


When You Sign Up For

The ‘One Client Away’ Challenge!

  • FREE! 5 days of expert coaching from ShawnQ, Heather Wanninger & Brian Buck, some of the most in-demand high-ticket business coaches on the market!

  • FREE! Access to our private community of abundance-minded coaches where you can network, share wins, ask questions, and gain insight into the coaching world to get inspired!

  • FREE! Scripts, strategies, and training to make it SO EASY to transition into a full time coach!


  • PRIZES & GIVEAWAYS to make the whole week FUN! 🎉

  • A Complementary Success Coach to hold you accountable to achieving your goal of being a high-paid coach!

Today: 100% FREE

PLUS, get a complementary success coach

who’ll whip your butt to get into action so you finally grow your coaching career… (this is your chance!!)


5-Day Virtual Event: The ‘One Client Away’ Challenge for becoming a highly-paid coach.


April 22nd - 26th, 2024 @ 9am PST (60 minutes a day)


Because you deserve to be paid well and spend time how you please.

Now’s The Time To Act!

Ready To Become A High-Ticket Coach In Just 5 Days?

Learn from expert business coaches on how to take your passion, skill, and expertise and create a wildly successful coaching business. PLUS, get a complementary success coach who’ll whip your butt to get into action so you finally grow your coaching career… (this is your chance!!) - All Rights Reserved

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